School visit


I am now scheduling in-person or virtual school visits with illustrator Greg Newbold for the 2022-2023 school year. Visits can be tailored to meet the needs of your school or group. Here are the current options:

CREATIVITY (45 - 60 minutes, grades K-5)

Author Amy Newbold and illustrator Greg Newbold will show how they take an idea and create a book. Amy shares insights into her writing process, and Greg shows how he works from sketches to a finished product. Students are introduced to artists and styles, and are encouraged to create in their own style. Amy will guide students through story creation using a basic story structure while Greg illustrates the story.

ART AND WRITING (45 - 60 minutes, grades 3 - 6)

Using IF DA VINCI PAINTED A DINOSAUR and IF MONET PAINTED A MONTSER, Amy will show her writing and revision process. Students will learn about selected artists and art styles from the books. Greg will show his illustration process, and teach techniques for drawing a dinosaur or monster.

AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR Q & A (20 minutes, all ages)

Greg and Amy will read one of their books and answer questions with your class, family, homeschool group, etc.

PRICING: (Please note, a small number of free visits—either CREATIVITY or ART & WRITING—are available to underserved communities, Title IX schools, etc. Please contact me about availability.

CREATIVITY - $250 (for up to 3 classes. Contact me for larger group pricing).

ART & WRITING - $250 (for up to 3 classes. Contact me for larger group pricing).


(If your school or class purchases 3 books for your library, we have a limited number of free AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR Q & A sessions available this year. Please contact me if you are interested).


I enjoy hearing from you! Tell me which artist is your favorite or what you like about the books. You may also submit art to be considered for my reader gallery. Follow my author page on Facebook or Twitter.

Conferences/Workshops: I am available for panels and presentations at writing workshops and conferences, individually or with illustrator Greg Newbold.

Book fair
Artist at work